Friday, April 9, 2010

Snot for thought

Since I'm sick I figured I'd look up and see how many calories snot has in it; that seems to be most of what I'm ingesting more so than food. Well, nobody has an answer not even Web MD. I googled it and the question has been asked but nobody has a real answer. I need to know this so I can count every calorie whether it comes from my body or not. I did read though that little kids tend to pick and eat their boogers because your snot and boogers have something in it that is the same consistency as sugar in candies. Weird that our boogers have natural sugars in them but I can't find anything on calories. Yes, I'm aware that I come up with some odd posts but being sick makes you think about all the nasty in your body and stuff like that.

Oh and I weighed this morning and I'm down 3.5 lbs. Yay me!


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