Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Ok sorry to all my challengers, I have been slackin these past 2 weeks. I have been really tired from startin this new job that I usually come home and pass out and don't get up til its time for work the next day. I haven't been eating right at all. I only have 30 mins for lunch and 15 of that 30 consists of going and gettin my car from the parking lot and parkin on site at work since we can't park there until after 5. I am usually stuck goin to a fast food place close to work or just eatin crackers. I am going to try and catch up on the blogs and weigh ins and we will get back on track since the challenge is half way over already. Wow, time flies!


  1. OMG I thought you dropped the challenge, lol. I have totally been sucking...which you'll find out when you catch up on my blog, lol.

  2. Kandace is back! I can never remember how you spell your name. Anyhow I'm sitting here listening to your choice of music- what melodious sounds at 6 am haha but I love it. So I managed to lose 2 pounds for a grand total of 10 since May 24th. I am HAPPY! I don't seem to gain weight any more but I am far from a maintenance mode...

  3. I hope you're out enjoying the summer and just don't have time to blog. I posted my challenge update at http://finallyfiguringitout.blogspot.com/2010/07/summer-challenges-update.html

  4. Are we still doing this challenge? lol I've been updating every week but what happened to you!? Are you okay!?
