Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Sad Day

Well, I just found out that the girls are starting daycare next week, not because I'm a bad babysitter but because their dad got promoted and became a federal employee and they offer FREE daycare. So, tomorrow is my last day watching the girls and starting over looking for a job. Luckily, my refund is on its way so that will keep a little money in the bank for a little while at least. I have plans to move into an apartment in May with my friend Vanessa. We are going job hunting together on Friday and hopefully we find something soon. I can't take this anymore. Every job I find either doesn't last but a month if that or they look at my job history and don't want to hire me. Why don't people believe in giving second chances? Now that I know the negative impact that calling in all the time has on me, I wouldn't do it anymore if someone would just give me a chance. I think I'm just going to start over on Monday with the eating right and exercise. I just feel too bad right now, plus the girls have made me sick. They were sick last week and this week too so now I have a fever and a sore throat, WONDERFUL! Well just wanted to update people. I won't be blogging on my weight loss or gain this week unless something incredible happens, doubt it!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even KNOW you were babysitting until you left that comment on my blog. Sorry you lost the job, and sorry you're sick!! I know it's hard to stay on track when everything's going wrong around you, but try not to let it go too far out of bounds with the eating, because TRUST ME, a serious gain will just make you feel that much worse. I'm living proof. You know how had I've screwed up. I'm having to bust my ass just to get back down to the 222 I WAS at before everything went to hell in November. Don't do that to yourself. You'll regret it.
