Thursday, February 25, 2010

New Adventure

Since I don't have a job, STILL, I'm going to cancel my gym membership because I don't have a lot of money left for them to keep taking out every month. I am doing a 90 day challenge at this place called Pole Waxers University in Marietta. Its a one time fee of $50 bucks for the 90 day weight loss challenge. Sounds very fun. Its Cardio Pole Dancing classes 3x's a week for 90 days and at the end of 90 days whoever loses the most weight and inches wins MONEY, Hello!!!! Sounds totally awesome. Me and a friend are going to do it together. Its a great strength training workout and does wonders for your upper body and abs, which is definitely what I am trying to target. And another interesting fact, they teach you how to booty pop. LOVE IT!!!! Will definitely help me when I go to the clubs, LMAO!

Just thought I'd update ya'll since I haven't posted in about a week or so.... So that's what's going on with me!

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure if I tried to pole dance or booty pop I'd injure myself, lol. I've heard that it's a fantastic workout though and tons of fun...I'm sure you'll enjoy it!! And you NEED to start posting more regularly woman! :)
